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Become a publisher with an innovative newspaper publishing solution

It’s time to take your print newspaper online. Reach new readers, connect with old readers and bring your operation into the 21st Century.

Now all you need is a computer and access to the Internet. Thanks to an innovative newspaper publishing solution, you can get your paper online and reach the entire world.

Go digital.

Take everything in your print publication and make it electronic. Expand your offerings by creating links within stories to let readers get as much detail as they want. Google shows people are reading more and more online and they want longer articles.

Reporters can now turn in 40-inch stories and not worry about losing half of it on the cutting floor. Run those extended features full length.

You’re not limited to one or two pictures any more. You can have an entire slide show. Cover that Friday night football game in detail

Your advertisers can link their websites to their ads. Your advertisers can get their message in front of people who care. Embed ad links in stories. Include ad links in slide shows.

If you have an online presence and it’s just not delivering the way it should, you need to upgrade. Readers want the information you have delivered for years, they just want to access it online and they want it user-friendly.

Online media is the growth industry for print communications. It’s not too late to join the digital newspaper revolution.

If you are interested in getting your newspaper online and making it more relevant to today’s generations of readers, contact us for details and information.

Why Online Newspaper Publishing is the Way of the Future

Traditional newspaper publishing has been around for many, many years, but that doesn’t mean that it’s still the best way of getting the news out to the masses. Nowadays, online newspaper publishing is becoming an increasingly better option for everyone involved. These are some of the reasons why.

Make Catching the News Easier for Readers

Many people don’t like flipping through a large and noisy newspaper when they’re in a room full of people or when they’re commuting to work on the bus. With online newspapers, it’s much easier for readers to catch the news from their tablets and smartphones.

Help the Environment

It’s hard to estimate just how many newspapers get tossed in the trash rather than recycled. With online newspaper publishing, you don’t have to worry as much about the impact on the environment.

Save Money

There’s a chance that your newspaper budget is tight. Online publishing makes it easier for you to stay within your budget since you can reduce your production costs, such as printing costs, delivery costs and more.

Make Advertisers Happy

Many business owners love online newspaper advertising because it makes it easier for readers to take action. For example, a person might be more likely to click on an ad for a company while reading the news than to physically enter the URL later on after reading the newspaper. Happier advertisers can equal more money for your business. As you can probably see, online newspaper publishing is the way of the future. If you are looking for help with taking your newspaper online.

Once you have the new user looking over your content, you can benefit from word-of-mouth advertising. Although, you might more accurately call it word-of-social-media advertising. Our web portal development allows visitors to easily share items they find interesting through Facebook and Twitter. Your brand name will spread to even more potential customers with these enticing samples, thus providing free advertising to people without you investing any additional resources. It starts with being geared towards SEO. With a wide sampling of your unique content, a web portal can attract new visitors through search engines. When you include embedded videos and photo galleries, you will cast an even wider net for potential searchers. The easily updated content keeps web crawlers returning, which in turn keeps it high on pages of hits.

Finally, eportals support multiple languages. Your content can attract people with a wide range of native languages, making it desirable to many more people than if you stuck with only one.

As you can probably see, online newspaper publishing is the way of the future. If you are looking for help with taking your newspaper online, contact us Today.


Newspaper Publishing: It’s About Much More Than Saving Trees

You’ve heard about online publishing. You may even have subscribed to an online publication, maybe more than one. Or the newspaper you’re printing on paper may compete with one. It’s time to find out what online publishing can offer you beyond the right to say that you’re saving trees and beyond reducing your costs of publishing.

That will depend on which online publishing software you use. We can assume that you want your newspaper to be accessible on any device your reader may be using, and that you’ll want to take advantage of the opportunities for including forms of media, such as audio and video, slide shows, and animation, that are not possible in print publications. It has probably already occurred to you that you’ll be able to offer additional ad space and thus generate new revenue. Of course, you’d like to have your online version directly accessible through your website and your content optimized for search engines and social media access. And wouldn’t payment gateway integration be useful?

Have you considered sending an automated newsletter to your most ardent subscribers offering updates of past issues and generating interest in the content of issues to come? How about being able to access rich analytics of how your reader are using your publication, which articles they are accessing and which they are passing on to others, for example? You might also want to offer XML feeds for individual articles, Images, pages or editions. Would you be interested in giving new readers access to your newspaper’s archives?

Other offerings might open your customer base to specific audiences you may not have previously considered. For example, the option to zoom in or out is very useful for reader with imperfect vision, and support for readers most familiar with languages other than the one in which your newspaper has been customarily printed could increase your global audience.

Newspaper Publishing through Pressmart offer all these and much more, but even better. You can get a demonstration of Pressmart’s ease of use and how you can reap the fullest benefits from it at the same time as you obtain a quote and ask any additional questions you may have. Contact Now.