Whether you have microfilm with pictures, Genealogy records, newspaper clippings, old company files or magazine articles, that microfilm holds a piece of history for your company and possibly a piece of other people’s history, too. Whether you’re storing the microfilm in a company basement, a broom closet or an actual storage unit, these records are deteriorating and history is being lost. Converting from microfilm to digital can create a database for your company that can attract customers and add a line of credibility to your business, while also keeping a pieces of history alive. Here is why you need to make the conversion:
Lost Data
Microfilm is generally pretty sensitive to the elements, which means they degrade over time. The quality of these newspaper clips, articles or files will continue to decline, probably becoming unusable in the future. This means you may lose important information that you may need eventually. Additionally, a fire, tornado or other natural disaster could completely wipe out your microfilm database and destroy a piece of your business’ history. Digital data can be backed up into a cloud, preserving your documents permanently .
Reach Current Clientele
Some of those old documents could be very helpful for current clientele. Whether they are sleuthing past events or just have a general nostalgia for those simpler days, converting your old documents into digital files makes your archives much more accessible. These documents also show the history of a particular person, business or entity — yours or another person’s. Clients can utilize this information to learn more about your business, more about their roots or more about the past in general. Having these files easily on hand, in digital form, can attract potential patrons.
More Accessible for You
Have you ever had to spend an hour digging through old files to find the one thing you were looking for? That can be a huge waste of time. Microfilm is not as easily filed as it would be digitally. With digital files, a couple of well-informed clicks and you have the information you seek at your fingertips.
To begin digitizing your microfilm or if you have questions about the process, please contact us!